Work Safety Management
CVIC's Work Safety Management System (WSMS) is a comprehensive integration of health and safety practices into business processes, effectively managing and reducing workplace risks and hazards.
CVIC's Work Safety Management System (WSMS) is a thorough framework that goes beyond a basic employee health and safety program. It integrates detailed health and safety policies, procedures, standards, and records into the company's operational processes. This integration enhances the system's effectiveness in consistently identifying and managing potential risks and hazards in the workplace, ensuring a safer and more controlled work environment.
CVIC's Occupational Health and Work Safety Management System is certified by the CNAS Management System and complies with the requirements of GB/T45001-2020/ISO 45001:2018.
Management Leadership and Commitment: This involves active leadership by senior management, who provide a clear vision, establish health and safety policies, set achievable goals, and allocate necessary resources. Their role is fundamental in promoting a culture where safety is a core value.
Safe Work Procedures and Written Instructions: This aspect focuses on developing comprehensive procedures and instructions, ensuring that every employee, regardless of their role, is aware of their safety responsibilities and knows how to execute their tasks safely.
Health and Safety Training and Instruction: This component emphasizes the training and education of all employees, from upper management to frontline workers, in health and safety matters. It ensures everyone understands their role in maintaining a safe work environment and is competent in their job functions.
Identifying Hazards and Managing Risk: This process includes systematic identification, assessment, and control of workplace hazards to prevent injuries and accidents. It’s an ongoing effort to keep the work environment safe.
Inspection of Premises, Equipment, Workplaces, and Work Practices: Regular inspections are conducted to identify potential hazards continuously and address them before they lead to unsafe conditions.

Investigation of Incidents: This involves thorough investigations into workplace incidents to determine both immediate and underlying causes, followed by developing strategies to prevent recurrence.
Program Administration: This involves regular evaluation of the effectiveness of the safety management system and making necessary adjustments to meet health and safety objectives.
Joint Health and Safety Committee & Representatives: These groups are responsible for collaboratively identifying and addressing health and safety issues in the workplace, playing a vital role in the development and implementation of safety measures.
Occupational Health and Safety Programs: These programs form an integral part of the WSMS, focusing on specific health and safety issues relevant to the organization.
System Audit: Regular audits are critical to assess the WSMS's effectiveness, ensuring compliance with standards and guidelines, and identifying areas for improvement.
At CVIC, our commitment to safety extends beyond our internal Work Safety Management System (WSMS). We diligently adhere to stringent Work Safety Standards set by government bodies in the region of our primary manufacturing hub.
This unwavering dedication to safety is evident in the numerous certifications we have received, each serving as a testament to the effectiveness and robustness of our WSMS. These recognitions are not just accolades but reflect our ongoing effort to create a safe and secure environment for our employees, setting us apart as a leader in workplace safety in our industry.